Posting rules

  1. This forum is for the use of registered Orwell Wheelers club members only.
  2. Treat others on the forum as you would wish to be treated yourself, that is to say, 'BE NICE'.
  3. Remember that we have many U18 members. No bad language or linking to adult content such as gambling sites.
  4. No spamming. No flaming.
  5. Do not discuss illegal activities, and do not link to any site that contains material that might be considered offensive or illegal.
  6. Posts that make inappropriate references to commercial products may be removed (see below).
  7. Objectionable posts will be removed.
  8. Do not post anyone's personal information without using the 'hide from guests tags. Email or postal addresses, phone numbers and WhatsApp group invite links should all be hidden from guests.
  9. Use the 'Report This' button to alert moderators to any offensive or objectionable posts.
  10. Try to place your post in the appropriate forum.
  11. Read a post carefully before replying.
  12. Use an appropriate subject line for your posts. 'Need help', while probably accurate, is not really very helpful.
  13. Please don't use all uppercase in posts or subjects.
  14. Don't upload images of a size and resolution that could be turned into a movie poster. Keep them small so as not to clog up the server.


Commercial posts

While it's great to spread the word about relevant businesses or events, we have to be mindful of our advertisers and sponsors, and not give a channel to people to advertise for free to members.

Please do not recommend or link to any local suppliers in direct competition with any of our sponsors or advertisers.

Other than that, we do welcome posts on the forum where a business is offering an discount specifically for Orwell members, or where the business is owned, run, or features heavy involvement by an Orwell member. If you post about an event or business which is of interest to you and you want to let others know about it, please follow these guidelines also.

The rules for these posts:

  • Please create only one thread per event (if it is a regularly recurring event, do not create a new thread every week/month)
  • Please disclose any affiliations in the opening post.
  • You may reply to any questions or comments in the thread
  • Please do not artificially bump the thread to the top of most recent topics by replying to yourself, unless there is a major update, or a closing date is approaching

If you're unsure of anything, or if you wish to advertise your business more permanently or prominently on the website, please contact the committee.


Using the forum

Logging in

  • After you first receive your registration email for the Orwell Wheelers Club Forum, change your password. To do this
    1. Go to the forum login area.
    2. Make sure you are not logged in.
    3. Click on the link that says 'Forgot your password?'
    4. Enter your email address.
    5. You will be sent an email that contains a link that will let you reset your password.
  • Your login is your full name as registered with the club. Names with an apostrophe (O'Brien) are rendered with a space instead (O Brien).
  • If you are an Orwell member but do not have a login, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  • Do not share your login details with anyone else.


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